Resort Reviews for Lost Valley Lake Resort

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Glenda Scoville

The Resort is beautiful, but be sure you'll like it forever as the rules for selling your membership are onerous, can't sell to anyone who has had a tour in last 2 yrs or the guest of another owner in last 6 months, there are substantial fees involved and a required visit to the resort before it can be transferred, where they undoubtedly try to sell your buyer an upgraded membership.

Kathy Weidman

Lost Valley Lake Resort is a great family oriented place to visit all year round. In the winter the pool is covered and heated, the family center is always open and planned events go on all year long. There is something for everyone.

suzanne coyle

thank you for your stay. i LOVED it. when i went i went with a friend.i was wondering how do we set up a time for a tour. the best time would be on a week-end. when i was there i went paddle-boating. my friends covinced me to go because i was scared i would tip but they proved me wrong. so if we can get a day of the weekend for a tour then that would be great because my mom said she wasnt going to become a member unless she saw the place first. i LOVED the visit. i would LOVE to come again. if we can get a tour can you send me directions to my email account. thanks a lot. suzanne coyle p.s. hope to see the resort very soon. but probably not soon enough. thanks again suzanne coyle. i loved the movies.

Blaine McDonnell

My family and friends stayed at Lost Valley several times to get a way and enjoy a quiet weekend. Lost Valley lake offers several activities for the whole family to enjoy.

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